Please tell us your Name:
Telephone no. (required)
Email (required)
Boat Type (required) — Select —Coastal BoatsRacing BoatsRecreational / Training Boats
Boat (required) — Select —1x2x / 2-4+ / 4x+4x / 4-8+ / 8x+Coastal 1xCoastal 2xCoastal 4xGig 4x+Training Boats 1x / 2x
Which Hull shape?
What is your required construction method? ---GoldSilverBronze
What is your preferred colour? Please give the relevant RAL code: Please let us know if you require two tone or custom colours, we are happy to help you getting the boat you want. RAL Color Website (Comma separated multiple color codes.)
Do you require any partition? NoYes
Which Rigger configuration do you require? ---Aluminium wing riggerAluminium reverse wing riggerCarbon reverse wing rigger
Which shoes do you need? ---Rowing ShoesAnkaa HornetAnkaa Blue DolphinPhoenixNew Wave
What shoe size?
Do you have any other requirements or enquries?